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Completing the squares is opposite to differnces of squares. this will only work with three terms as differences of squares only works with 2 terms. Instead of having two terms with each having two different signs, you will have two terms and two signs being completley the same. Here is how to find that out

If the middle term or "b" value has two of the same coiffenits, it means that this expression is a complete square and at the end it will always equal to (x+3)^2 for both expressions.

If the "a" value has a number beside, you will have to find the GCF of the equation and factor the number outside to make things easier for you to get to your answer. As you see right now there is no "a" value so you don't need to factor. (If there is a number and cannot be factored, you multiply the "a" value with your "c" value only to continue on solving your expression.

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