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To find the equation from transformations, here is an example.

"Your parabola should stretch by 4 and flipped on it's axis. Your parabola should be translated to the left by 6 and down by 5."



 your answer would be:

y = -4(x +6)^2 -5

Since your "stretch" or "compression" matters in the "a" value, your "a" value should be a negative 4 as it also says in the text that the parbola is flipped. (If it says that the parabola is flipped on it's axis, It means that the parabola is touching the x-axis).


For your "x" and "h"value, your "x" value stays the same but your h value is negative 6 as the only number that should always be switched in your equation is the "h" value. (When graphing the "h" value, you switch it again).

Simply for your "k" value, you would substitude "k" with 6 into your equation. (If they ask that your parbolla must be translated down by a "a number" then vice versa

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